Private Markets Insider™ Webinar

Online Event

June 3, 2020

Private Markets Insider

LP-GP panels on Private Equity & Private Credit

Speakers include: Aberdeen, Schroeder Adveq, Franger FO, Kingdon Capital | Sponsored by: Star Mountain Capital, HKW, LaCrosse Investments 374, Promethean Investments, Roar Capital

Webinar Agenda (11am ET to 12:45pm ET):

11:00 am ET – Intro comments re. investments, processes, and opportunities in Private Markets amid CoVid concerns and Insider community views around fundraising and deal making in this opaque environment
Webinar moderator: Kevin McCaffrey, Vice President – LaCrosse Investments 374

11:05 am ET – Private Equity investors discuss fund strategies, direct deals, portfolio management, and the connective tissue needed in this uncertain period

Moderator: Jonathan LaCrosse, Managing Member – LaCrosse Investments 374


  • Whit Matthews, Senior Investment Director – Aberdeen Standard Investments
  • Jim Snyder, Partner – HKW (Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney & Company)
  • Michael Burt, Partner – Promethean Investments
  • Jeremy Knox, Sr. Investment Director – Schroeder Adveq

11:35 am ET – Private Credit investors discuss emerging opportunities in secured credit, revised structures, and pitting opportunities against risks in turbulent times

Moderator: Kevin McCaffrey, Vice President – LaCrosse Investments 374 


  • Grace Lovret, CIO, Managing Member – Franger LLC
  • Rosemary Sagar, Chief Investment Officer – Kingdon Capital Management LLC
  • Greg Imbruce, Portfolio Manager – Roar Capital Senior
  • Brett Hickey, CEO & Founder – Star Mountain Capital

12:05 am ET – Deal Introduction – Special Situation for a Lithium Battery company

  • Manufacturer of lithium batteries used in data centers and industrial/warehouse markets (robotics, switch from fuel to batteries);
  • Insight into the secured notes financing with warrants.

12:15 pm ET – Deal Introduction – Equity Financing for Emergency Oxygen Technology

  • Manufacturer of emergency Oxygen technology developed in conjunction with U. Of Michigan producing portable and safe emergency oxygen being legislated into law to mirror AED requirements to address risks related to CoVid, drug overdoses and other breathing emergencies.

12:25 pm ET – Deal Introduction – Special Situation for a Natural Gas company

Consolidation project for midstream production and processing in Utah; 
Senior secured debt offering.

12:35 pm ET – Community comments and input on collaborative discussions and deal discovery tools for the future.

Please register for Webinar instructions and more details to come. Feel free to reach out to Kevin McCaffrey with questions or suggestions at

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Please contact Kevin McCaffrey for additional information or complimentary LP invites.